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- /*
- ChooseScreen.c
- Displays a screen number on every screen, and accepts the typed selection from
- the user, using the argument value as the default. No check is made for
- validity of the default or the reply.
- screen=1;
- screen=ChooseScreen(screen,"Which screen?");
- 9/5/94 dgp removed assumption in printf's that int==short.
- 10/2/94 dgp added question argument.
- 1/5/95 dgp made compatible with Universal Headers 2.
- */
- #include "VideoToolbox.h"
- #include <LowMem.h>
- #else
- extern void LMSetGhostWindow(WindowPeek GhostWindowValue);
- #define LMSetGhostWindow(GhostWindowValue) ((* (WindowPeek *) 0x0A84) = (GhostWindowValue))
- #endif
- int ChooseScreen(int screen,const char *question)
- {
- short i,fontNumber,textSize;
- Rect r;
- GDHandle device=NULL,oldDevice=NULL;
- WindowPtr window=NULL,oldWindow=NULL,windows[MAX_SCREENS];
- unsigned char string[16]="\p0";
- char str[32];
- FontInfo fontInfo;
- long ticks;
- oldDevice=GetGDevice();
- SetGDevice(GetMainDevice());
- GetPort(&oldWindow);
- ticks=TickCount();
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SCREENS;i++){
- device=GetScreenDevice(i);
- if(device == NULL)break;
- SetRect(&r,0,0,160,160);
- CenterRectInRect(&r,&(*device)->gdRect);
- string[1]='0'+i;
- windows[i]=NewWindow(NULL,&r,string,TRUE,plainDBox,(WindowPtr) -1L,0,0);
- SetPort(windows[i]);
- if(i==0)GetFNum("\pChicago",&fontNumber);
- TextFont(fontNumber);
- textSize=128;
- TextSize(textSize);
- if(i==0)GetFontInfo(&fontInfo);
- SetRect(&r,0,0,StringWidth(string),fontInfo.ascent);
- CenterRectInRect(&r,&windows[i]->portRect);
- MoveTo(r.left,r.bottom);
- DrawString(string);
- }
- LMSetGhostWindow((WindowRef)windows[0]); // doesn't work; don't know why.
- #else
- LMSetGhostWindow((WindowPeek)windows[0]); // doesn't work; don't know why.
- #endif
- SetPort(oldWindow);
- SetGDevice(oldDevice);
- ticks=ticks+50-TickCount();
- if(ticks>0)Delay(ticks,&ticks);
- printf("%s (%d):",question,screen);
- gets(str);
- sscanf(str,"%d",&screen);
- for(i=0;i<MAX_SCREENS;i++){
- device=GetScreenDevice(i);
- if(device==NULL)break;
- DisposeWindow(windows[i]);
- }
- return screen;
- }